The Importance of Updating Your Resume
Today at the peak of a globalized and interdependent economy, updating your resume is essential not only to gain a competitive advantage, but also to remember why you wish to continue on the current path or to redirect your trajectory.
Updating your resume helps you be active rather than reacting to events. People push on or get pushed out of specific environments, and it is essential to be prepared for new opportunities. Here are some tips to show recruiters your impact.
Tip 1: The Ghanaian principle of Sankofa inspires you to follow your career path and articulate a vision for the future. This process also helps with how much of that past is essential as you look to the present.
Tip 2: Decide what you should discard in your past and take with you in the future. This excercise encourages professionals to profile areas of impact and helps identify gaps so that you may acquire brand-new skills.
Tip 3: Manage your resume. Your resume is a live document that requires constant care. This is your chance to tell your story through results and data. We all need career check-ups.